Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Taking a Moment

Katie and I at the ruins in Lindisfarne
The North Sea (we went to touch it just to say we did)
The Castle at Lindisfare
Spring Break Girls! I am so excited to travel with them
Tessa and I in front of the Durham Cathedral

So, it truly has been WAY too long since I last updated my blog and for that I truly apologize! Thank you all for wanting to know what I have been up to and for your prayers and encouragement.
It has taken me so long to update because life has been kind of crazy over here. Between lectures, trips, homework, and exploring York I have realized that time is a precious commodity. Classes have been particularly frustrating lately- I guess I forgot that I would actually have to take classes while I'm here so that has been a harsh reality to work through considering the epic checklist I have made for this trip
The pictures above show a trip that our Calvin group took on Saturday February 12. We first went on a 2 hour bus ride to the Durham Cathedral (which they told us was voted the most beautiful building in the world by a group of architects) and I have to say that it was absolutely stunning! The picture does not do it justice, but we weren't allowed to take pictures inside so I'm afraid I will just have to keep my mental pictures. After touring the Durham Cathedral (which we were told the first 2 Harry Potter movies had quite a few scenes filmed here!- exciting) we went on another long bus ride to Lindisfarne, which was absolutely breathtaking! The scenery was gorgeous and we were able to go touch the North Sea!!! (we decided to take the hike over a bunch of rocks because the Castle was closed). I had an absolutely wonderful day exploring these gorgeous places!!

The weeks just seem to be flying by over here. I keep myself busy with hanging out with friends and reading many many books for my classes.

It has also been really exciting because we are well on our way to finishing plans for Spring Break!! We are flying into Pisa, Italy and plan on exploring different cities in Italy. From Italy we are planning on taking the train to Interlaken, Switzerland and from there to Geneva, Switzerland to stay with the amazing Goudzwaard family! From Switzerland, we are off to Paris for a few days and then off to London just in time for the Royal Wedding! It is definitely going to be a world wind adventure:)

Today has been especially a blessing. The past couple days I had been feeling a bit discouraged from homework and lack of motivation and just prayed that God would give me an inner joy from His Spirit and He definitely answered my prayers. My spirit has been lifted today and I am definitely in a wonderful mood.
.... And to top it all off, I received the best Birthday-in-a-box imaginable!! My friends and family in California and Michigan wrote me words (and some drew pictures-haha) of blessing and encouragement that made me feel so unbelievably loved! I miss you all so much but seriously feel so blessed by your wonderful words and encouragement.

I will keep you posted on events!! (without a month in between:)

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